Week 5: Bronx Masquerade (p62-100)

RESOURCES: Course Syllabus LINK , Eagle TVEagle TV (8/26)Bronx Masq. Text (1-80)Vocab List #2 (8/22-8/26)Dialectical JournalVocab List #3 (8/29-9/2)Poetry WebsiteUnspoken Word Documentary,

Lab Agenda:

  1. Complete Vocab List (Monday)
  2. Read the The Root article about The National Anthem and answer questions in your notes section of your notebook:
1. Who wrote the national anthem?
2. What recent events inspired the author to write the song?
3. What war was being fought at the time that the song was written?
4. How does the song writer feel about African Americans which were enslaved at the time?  Provide text evidence from the song or article.
5. Why do you suppose the third verse was removed from the song and hard to find on Google?
6. What new revelation did you learn about The Star-Spangled Banner? Summarize the third verse that was removed from the song.
7. How has reading this article changed your attitudes about our national anthem? Has your opinion about Collin Kaepernick changed? Why or why not? Rewrite your warm-up paragraph arguing in favor or against the quarterbacks decision to sit down and not participate in the anthem now that you learned the history of the song.
8. Watch The 14 minute documentary on the Star-Spangled Banner and complete a t-chart. Label one side of the T-chart "What I knew" and the right side: "What I Learned"
Image for the news result

W-up: Complete vocab list #3 for words “IDENTITY” & “PLUMP”
  1. Read The Root article and complete the 8 discussion questions (SEE MONDAY AGENDA)
  2. Watch documentary on National Anthem at bottom of Root article and write summary paragraph.
  3. Read pages 63-68, stopping at El Noche by Lupe Algarin in novel.
HW: Read pages 68-80 and complete the character/conflict journal for Janelle and Tanesha.
W-up: Complete vocab list #3 for words “ADRIFT” and "DISGUISE"

  1. Read pages 69-93, stopping after Sterling's poem D-Train
  2. Mini Lesson on characterization using S.T.E.A.L strategy.
  HW: Have  Dialectical Journal (character log) completed up to Sterling Hughes (p.93)
W-up: Complete vocab list #3 for words “DOCILE” and "LIBATION"

  1. Read pages 94-106, stopping after Amy Moscowitz
  2. Review notes on characterization using S.T.E.A.L strategy.
    • Complete characterization organizer for 4 characters in the novel so far.

W-up: HW check for Vocab List #3

  1. Test on pages 1-106 (Sterling Hughes)
  2. Unspoken Word Documentary
    • Add to poetry toolbox
  3. Open Mic #3: Students share poems in class. 

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