Week 2: ELEMENTS OF FICTION (Necklace)

  1. Unpack Unit 1 Standards by placing verbs on left side of T-chart and nouns on the right side.
  1. Finish the SRI test online. Record scores on orange slip and show teacher.  Staple orange slip in data section of notebook.
  2. Complete page #3 vocabulary  for the short story we will read tomorrow: The Necklace
  3. Research the author of The Necklace Guy de Maupassant and answer the 5 W's 
    • Who...is he (3 things that define his career as a writer and a Frenchmen)
    • What... is he best known for (3 titles of works he has written)
    • Where...is he from (birthplace, where he studied, where he lived most his life)
    • When...was he alive (birthdate and death, and 2 major events during his lifespan)
    • Why...is he considered France's best short story writer
  1. Finish reading The NecklaceLink: "The Necklace"
  2. Finish the packet for The Necklace. 
  3. Write a paragraph explaining your new alternate ending for The Necklace.  Prepare to pitch your idea to the group you will be in tomorrow.


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