WEEK 9: “To Kill a Mockingbird”

RESOURCES:  SyllabusRACERZinc + Springboard| TKAM Novel (abridged)

1. Watch opening scene from “To Kill a Mockingbird” to explain how the imagery makes you feel about Maycomb.  Write a paragraph (RACE) explaining what kind of image the author is creating of this small town.  Use evidence from video clip in your paragraph.   
-Sentence Starter: In the novel ___ the author ___ describes Maycomb as __. This creates an image of a town that is ___.  One example of this is ___(3 examples needed).

2. At the time “To Kill a Mickingbird” is set, America was struggling through the greatest economic depression.  Millions were out of work and hungry.  The president at the time, FDR delivers this speech to calm the worries of the American people.  Listen or read his speech.  Choose one paragraph of his speech to be an expert on.  Rewrite paragraph in your own words in RACE section of notebook. Next, write a brief paragraph explaining which persuasive appeals (KELP) he used to convince the American people things would be ok. 
-Sentence Starter: In paragraph __former President __  uses various persuasive appeals in his speech “___” to convince the American people all will be ok.  One appeal used is __. An example of this is when he states, “__.” This is persuasive because...

3. Preview the first 22 pages  of novel for the following words you must define in vocab section of your notebook:
optimism (6), puny (8), contentment (9), cussed (12), asylum (13), high-strung (14), nebulous (14), apprehensively/apprehension (21), cunning (21), immune (22)
HW: Finish lab assignments.

1. Review lab work from Monday
2. Notes on Harper Lee and Intro to To Kill a Mockingbird
3. Watch To Kill a Mockingbird movie and complete viewing guide


1. Brainstorm: Jot down 3-4 adjectives that describe the character of Atticus Finch.  Provide evidence in the movie to support your answer before we begin reading the novel.
2. Finish TKAM movie and complete viewing guide
HW: Read chapter 1 of the abridged version of novel and write a summary of what you learned about the Finch family's history in the South.

1. Read pg 196 "Jim Crow Laws" and answer questions 1-8.  Annotate the text for any laws that shocked you or stood out.
2. Finish "To Kill a Mockingbird" movie and viewing guide.
HW: Read about the new Israeli Anti-Boycott law being proposed similar to the Civil Rights Anti-Promotion of Equality laws that existed in the past.  The current Israel anti-boycott law would make it a $250,000-$1,000,000 fine and 20 years in prison for protesting, boycotting, or divesting Israel for what the international community including the United Nations.  Write a paragraph comparing both laws and explaining the author's argument for why he is opposed to the law.  What do these "new" laws suggest about our country?  Prepare to discuss answers on Monday.

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