WEEK 10: "To Kill a Mockingbird"

RESOURCES:  SyllabusRACERZinc + SpringboardTKAM Novel (abridged)| TKAM Research Paper Guidelines | Source/Note-cards| Works Cited-Interview

Quote: "There are some men that are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father is one of those men" (Lee).
1. Finish movie and turn in viewing guide.
2. Read Atticus Finch's closing argument on pg 196 of textbook and complete analysis of KELP and discussion questions.
HW: Read chapters 2-15 and jot down any quotes (rough draft section) of heroic things Attics said, did, effects he had on another character, or words others have said about him in these chapters. You will use these as we begin to write our research paper.

1. Review/evaluate 10 quotes from ch. 1-15 and organize them into what they reveal about Atticus (brave, respectful, wise, caring, etc)
2. Review notecards vs. sourcecards. Fill out source/notecard #1 for Atticus Finch.  Place quotes from HW on this sheet.
3. Review research vocabulary list
HW: Read chapters 15-31 and jot down any quotes (rough draft section) of heroic things Attics said, did, effects he had on another character, or words others have said about him in these chapters. You will use these as we begin to write our research paper.

1. Review/evaluate 10 quotes for Atticus from chapters 15-31.
2. Notes on Intro Paragraph (H.I.T strategy)
3. Research your second hero and complete a 2nd source/notecard if you used any info from site.
HW: Complete an Outline (only 'Intro' section) and write a thesis sentence due Friday 22nd (worth 15pts).

1. Complete research for source/note-card #2. Lab grade in class based on how much info you retrieved online from your second source.
HW: Study vocab list for quiz on Monday. Source/note-card #2 due Monday.  Your second source must be .edu, .org, or .gov (go to 'advanced settings' from 'setting' menu on Google and find 'site/domain' and enter '.edu', org or .gov before selecting 'advanced search' button)

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