WEEK 11: TKAM Research Paper

RESOURCES:  Syllabus| EagleWritingCenterRACERZinc + SpringboardTKAM Novel (abridged)TKAM Research Paper Guidelines Source/Note-cardsWorks Cited Helper

1. Check sources 1 and 2 and begin completing source/note-card 3 
HW: Source 3 is due Tues. 26th.  In rough draft section of notebook, begin writing paper.

1. Check source #3.
2. Score intro/body paragraph exemplar
3. Writer's Workshop: Works Cited Page and drafting intro/body paragraph. Use this link for interesting hooks
HW: Works Cited Page due Wednesday 27th. Extra Credit if you schedule an appointment with Eagle Writing Center to get your paper peer-edited in library using this link >>>>>HERE<<<

1. Write rough draft of research paper in notebook using outline as a guide. Watch vid on tips for writing compare/contrast paper.
HW: Rough Draft due Thursday 28th

1. Peer-edit rough draft using MLA Sample Essay , CUPS edit/revise checklist, and TKAM Research Paper Guidelines 
2. Type final draft in Google Docs.  Label your paper (top left box) your "FirstLastNameTKAMp1,2, or 4". Attach works cited page as last page of final draft. Email final version to: mr.leu9lit@gmail.com
HW: Final Draft due Friday 29th (start of class).

2. Mock EOC (Complete over Spring Break)
HW: Complete Mock End of Course Test over break for a grade.  Prepare to review questions the week back from break.

WEEK 10: "To Kill a Mockingbird"

RESOURCES:  SyllabusRACERZinc + SpringboardTKAM Novel (abridged)| TKAM Research Paper Guidelines | Source/Note-cards| Works Cited-Interview

Quote: "There are some men that are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father is one of those men" (Lee).
1. Finish movie and turn in viewing guide.
2. Read Atticus Finch's closing argument on pg 196 of textbook and complete analysis of KELP and discussion questions.
HW: Read chapters 2-15 and jot down any quotes (rough draft section) of heroic things Attics said, did, effects he had on another character, or words others have said about him in these chapters. You will use these as we begin to write our research paper.

1. Review/evaluate 10 quotes from ch. 1-15 and organize them into what they reveal about Atticus (brave, respectful, wise, caring, etc)
2. Review notecards vs. sourcecards. Fill out source/notecard #1 for Atticus Finch.  Place quotes from HW on this sheet.
3. Review research vocabulary list
HW: Read chapters 15-31 and jot down any quotes (rough draft section) of heroic things Attics said, did, effects he had on another character, or words others have said about him in these chapters. You will use these as we begin to write our research paper.

1. Review/evaluate 10 quotes for Atticus from chapters 15-31.
2. Notes on Intro Paragraph (H.I.T strategy)
3. Research your second hero and complete a 2nd source/notecard if you used any info from site.
HW: Complete an Outline (only 'Intro' section) and write a thesis sentence due Friday 22nd (worth 15pts).

1. Complete research for source/note-card #2. Lab grade in class based on how much info you retrieved online from your second source.
HW: Study vocab list for quiz on Monday. Source/note-card #2 due Monday.  Your second source must be .edu, .org, or .gov (go to 'advanced settings' from 'setting' menu on Google and find 'site/domain' and enter '.edu', org or .gov before selecting 'advanced search' button)

WEEK 9: “To Kill a Mockingbird”

RESOURCES:  SyllabusRACERZinc + Springboard| TKAM Novel (abridged)

1. Watch opening scene from “To Kill a Mockingbird” to explain how the imagery makes you feel about Maycomb.  Write a paragraph (RACE) explaining what kind of image the author is creating of this small town.  Use evidence from video clip in your paragraph.   
-Sentence Starter: In the novel ___ the author ___ describes Maycomb as __. This creates an image of a town that is ___.  One example of this is ___(3 examples needed).

2. At the time “To Kill a Mickingbird” is set, America was struggling through the greatest economic depression.  Millions were out of work and hungry.  The president at the time, FDR delivers this speech to calm the worries of the American people.  Listen or read his speech.  Choose one paragraph of his speech to be an expert on.  Rewrite paragraph in your own words in RACE section of notebook. Next, write a brief paragraph explaining which persuasive appeals (KELP) he used to convince the American people things would be ok. 
-Sentence Starter: In paragraph __former President __  uses various persuasive appeals in his speech “___” to convince the American people all will be ok.  One appeal used is __. An example of this is when he states, “__.” This is persuasive because...

3. Preview the first 22 pages  of novel for the following words you must define in vocab section of your notebook:
optimism (6), puny (8), contentment (9), cussed (12), asylum (13), high-strung (14), nebulous (14), apprehensively/apprehension (21), cunning (21), immune (22)
HW: Finish lab assignments.

1. Review lab work from Monday
2. Notes on Harper Lee and Intro to To Kill a Mockingbird
3. Watch To Kill a Mockingbird movie and complete viewing guide


1. Brainstorm: Jot down 3-4 adjectives that describe the character of Atticus Finch.  Provide evidence in the movie to support your answer before we begin reading the novel.
2. Finish TKAM movie and complete viewing guide
HW: Read chapter 1 of the abridged version of novel and write a summary of what you learned about the Finch family's history in the South.

1. Read pg 196 "Jim Crow Laws" and answer questions 1-8.  Annotate the text for any laws that shocked you or stood out.
2. Finish "To Kill a Mockingbird" movie and viewing guide.
HW: Read about the new Israeli Anti-Boycott law being proposed similar to the Civil Rights Anti-Promotion of Equality laws that existed in the past.  The current Israel anti-boycott law would make it a $250,000-$1,000,000 fine and 20 years in prison for protesting, boycotting, or divesting Israel for what the international community including the United Nations.  Write a paragraph comparing both laws and explaining the author's argument for why he is opposed to the law.  What do these "new" laws suggest about our country?  Prepare to discuss answers on Monday.


RESOURCES:  SyllabusRACERZinc + Springboard

1. Read the article about the history of the national anthem and in your RACER section of notebook explain what the author's argument is about the National Anthem.

  • Sentence Starter: 
    • R/A: In the article "___" the author _______ explains his reasons for supporting/opposing the national anthem.
    • C: In paragraph _____ he/she states "_________".
    • E: This is shows_________
    • C: Another example is "..."
    • E:
    • C: Finally he/she mentions "..."
    • E:

2. Read the Pro Vs Con website and read both sides of the argument for whether students should be allowed to protest the national anthem.  Pick one of the Pros or Cons to write a second paragraph explaining your position on the topic.   Be prepared to discuss your opinions in class Tuesday.

  • Sentence StarterL
    • R/A: Although some Americans may support/disapprove of students protesting the national anthem, I strongly believe _______________
    • C: One reason (emotional, logical, ethical reason why from website)
    • E: This proves
    • C: Another example is "..."
    • E: This examples shows...
    • C:
    • E:
HW: If you did not read the article from Friday and complete an analysis of both arguments made for Lebron or Michael Jordan being the GOAT of basketball then complete and bring organizer in Tuesday for a late grade.

1. Writer's Workshop: Edit/Revise RACE paragraph about national anthem from Monday lab.
2. Finish Great Debaters and complete viewing guide

1. After councilors are finished...Go to Zinc + Springboard and click on the bell to see the assignment "Deep Chill."
2. Read "Deep Chill" and complete vocab game, questions, and write response to prompt in your RACE section of your notebook.

1. Write a RACE paragraph explaining Richard Wright's claim in the excerpt from Native Son.
2. Analyze persuasive appeal in final debate against Willy College and Harvard University.  Complete viewing guide for movie.
3. Review for quiz tomorrow on notes, vocab related to persuasive unit.
HW: Study for quiz tomorrow using these resources: Jeopardy (KELP)Vocab List 5Rhetorical Devices/Terms

1. Quiz on persuasive appeals
2. Read pg. 81 "An Early Start on College in SpringBoard textbook. Annotate text for author's claim, and the appeals (KELP) used in his argument.
3. Boys vs. Girls Debate for extra credit on quiz.
HW: Read article "An Early Start to College" from textbook and annotate where the author's claim is and any persuasive appeals used (KELP) to make his point.  There are questions on back of text you need to answer as well.  Due Monday 11th.