October 27-31

Unit 2 Focus: Persuasive Techniques/Bias in Media
We are not powerless!! "Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet."– Alice Walker

1. (1st 15 min) Visit usatestprep.com and practice skills from your weakness list.

2. Define the following terms by taking notes on media bias.  These will be on the quiz this Friday.

  • Bias
  • Bias through selection and omission
  • Bias through placement
  • Bias by headline
  • Bias by photos, captions, and camera angles
  • Bias through use of name and titles
  • Bias through statistics and crowd counts
  • Bias by source control
  • Word choice and tone

3.  Read the article excerpt to see what example of bias is being used.  Answer both questions in your notebook next to your notes.

4. Visit one of the following local newspapers and find ONE EXAMPLE of bias in media.  Complete a DBQ:  What example of bias did you find.  Provide specific examples from the text to support your claim.

Tuesday: Find an article that has any example of bias (see Monday) on climate change.  Explain what form of bias it is and why you believe this media outlet is showing bias (OREO).

Wednesday:  Continue identifying forms of media bias (bias through headlines/ names and titles).  Create a collage advocating for climate change or claiming it is a hoax.  Use all examples of bias reviewed in class.  See bias example with the directions.

Thursday: Finish collage poster with partner (see example/directions).  Research arguments for and against climate change online and complete the brainstorm organizer.  You will need to develop the brainstorm into a 5-paragraph essay due on Monday.  

Friday: Quiz on media bias vocabulary (see Monday) and watch Halloween documentary.

October 13-24

Unit 2 Focus: Persuasive Techniques/Midterm Elections
We are not powerless!! "Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet."– Alice Walker

1. (1st 25 min) Visit usatestprep.com and practice 5 skills from your weakness list.

2. Finish final draft of speech in pen and turn in tomorrow to Mr. Leu.

3. Make a rough draft of a political poster endorsing your candidate.
a. Make a political poster using the online poster maker or sketch a rough draft in notebook after getting ideas from former political posters.
b. Save online poster by clicking download button (top right), select free download (far right),
select lunch # file to save poster.  Name file: political poster.
4. Write down a summary (5 W's) of what your commercial will be about.
a. Look at political ads for ideas you can use in your own political ad before writing summary.
b. In summary paragraph, jot down 2 persuasive techniques you will use in your commercial.
c. Explain how you will use each technique in your ad to get your candidate elected.

Tuesday: Complete three scenes/shots with dialogue for your commercial.

Wednesday:  Watch student commercial and analyze for persuasive appeals.  Finish script for commercial.  Begin video taping and editing commercials using apps and video recording software

Thursday: Day 1 of presentations of speech.  Look over the rubric and student examples of speeches that received an A.  Get some tips before our last day of presentations.

Friday: Day 2 of presentations of speech.

Monday: Get on USATESTPREP for 25 minutes to work on identified weaknesses. Finish editing your political video using an online editing resource
Video editing websites:

Tuesday: Watch the debate for Governor of Georgia and complete an OREO explaining who made the most effective argument for being governor.  Provide evidence (PEL) to support your opinion (OREO).

Wednesday: Finish the debate and share OREO on Elmo for feedback.  Begin political ad presentations. 

October 6-9

Unit 2 Focus: Persuasive Techniques/Midterm Elections
We are not powerless!! "Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet."– Alice Walker

1. Visit usatestprep.com and practice 5 skills from your weakness list.
2. Research the 4 candidates running for either the Senate or Governor seat by visiting the website and clicking on each candidates campaign website link. You need A-D complete for each person. 

a. Professional background (jobs)
b. Key issues (things important to them like jobs, taxes)
c. Educational accomplishments (degrees, universities)
d. Place of Birth/Personal Info

3. Watch political ads from the candidates to add more info about their key issues  
4. Create a thesis statement explaining why you chose your candidate for Georgia Senate, or Governor (Hint: TPR)

Tuesday: Take notes on Ethos, Pathos, Logos in order to analyze persuasive writing that uses these persuasive appeals.  Study notes for this Friday quiz.

Wednesday: Analyze student essay with high score from mock writing.  Learn how to brainstorm and write a persuasive thesis statement that addresses the counter-argument.  HW: develop one of the ideas from the brainstorm into a paragraph by adding emotional or logical appeals/examples as support.

Thursday: Take speech writing notes and analyze former President Bush's 9/11 speech and Nelson Mandela, and JFK's speeches looking for rhetorical devices.  Complete a rough draft for your political speech in the point of view of the candidate you are endorsing for the GA midterm election.  You must include ethos, pathos, and logos (see Tuesday notes) in your speech.

Friday: Take a quiz on persuasive appeals, and thesis statements.  Watch MLK's speech on the war in Vietnam and answer the following question: What was MLK's claim about the war?  And what appeals (PEL) stood out as most effective in convincing the American people? 
HW: 40 word check on Monday.  Complete your final draft of your political speech (Look at President Obama's 2004 speech for tips on using PEL)